In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Pull-Ups
20 Push-Ups
Rest exactly five minutes, and then . . .
In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/12 lbs.)
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)

Experience the Box is this Friday and Saturday- all classes are free to experience what Carson City CrossFit has to offer, all classes will be geared for the beginner.

Elements Classes will focus on mechanics, technique and proper CrossFit movements. Classes will be geared for the new CrossFitter, and will help bridge the gap to the unlimited CrossFit Classes.



We have created to to the Tough Mudder, September 22nd at Northstar.  A description from their website:  

Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. As the leading company in the booming obstacle course industry, Tough Mudder has already challenged half a million inspiring participants worldwide and raised more than $2 million dollars for the Wounded Warrior Project. But Tough Mudder is more than an event, it’s a way of thinking. By running a Tough Mudder challenge, you’ll unlock a true sense of accomplishment, have a great time, and discover a camaraderie with your fellow participants that’s experienced all too rarely these days. 

This will be tons of fun.  The registration is 98% full for Saturday.  If you would like to join our team, simply follow the link below. our start time is 10:40

Please visit this link to join the team:

If you need to find our team from the Registration Center Home page, http://toughmudder.com/registration-center/
, our team name is 'Train For Life, and the password is Tahoe321.  Hope to see you out there!

For you Cycling Enthusiasts.

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