We hear just as many questions about nutrition as we do about CrossFit. We're here to help, CCCF is dedicated to supporting our community on its path to fitness by developing the most overlooked portion of fitness - nutrition!
When an athlete gets nutrition dialed in, they will experience positive changes in health, energy, and sense of well being, while melting fat, packing on muscle and optimizing physical performance. Your nutrition will amplify or diminish the effects of your training and fitness efforts. That's why we're here - to provide you with the results you seek, together we can make this fun. Have questions on where to start? email Jill today.
Nutrition Links:
The Foodee Project
Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution
Marks Daily Apple-The Primal Blue Print
Growing Up Paleo
Everyday Paleo
Hunter and Gatherer Paleo
Paleo for Modern People