
Complete three rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters

In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq last week.

*Many scaling options exist. You can do Power Cleans. You can do 15 reps instead of the 30 reps. And you can always scale the weight and pull-up choices. Please consult with your coach to pick the correct scaling method

We invite everyone in the world to compete in the Open. Each week from February 22-March 25, an Open workout is posted on Wednesday at 5:00 pm. You have until Sunday at 5:00 pm to get it completed. You have the choice to have your performance validated at Carson City CrossFit or videotape it yourself . The Open will consist of five workouts over five weeks.

Team athletes will complete the five Open workouts like individual competitors. If an athlete chooses to register with a team, the athlete can still compete in the individual competition at the Regional level, if they qualify. A team’s top three male and female scores in the week’s workout will contribute to the team’s standings. Cost for individual Competitors is $20. Register under the Carson City CrossFit team. We encourage everyone at the gym to compete in the open.


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